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Donna Mae Scheib

Grandkids Looking up to Grandparents

Posted by Donna Mae Scheib on September 27, 2016

Grandkids Looking up to Grandparents

There is nothing more natural than the need we have for food, water, and shelter, correct? In addition to those, we also require a certain amount of love, affection, guidance, friendship, and occasional attitude adjustment. Grandparents were placed in our lives to play the role that offers an abundance of all of those basic human necessities. Without our grandparents, we would most likely be a good ten pounds lighter (because nothing says “grandma’s house” like food does), a little less educated on life lessons, and a whole lot more lonesome.

Enjoying Time With Them

Some of my fondest life memories include long walks on the beach with my grandma, four-wheeler rides through the woods with grandpa, sewing and cooking lessons by grandma, and endless stories/advice from grandpa. Each of these individual memories holds such value and substance that I’ve carried with me throughout my adult life. A good portion of children, teenagers, and adults alike carry stories and memories similar to mine because they were given the gift of high-quality grandparents as well. What are your fondest memories of your grandparents? The lessons we learned from these moments are stored in our hearts and minds forever. There isn’t another soul on earth that has the capability to touch your soul in the same way that grandparents’ do. 

Appreciate Them

On a lighter note, who knows our stomachs better than our grandparents do? Nobody does. Grandparents were put on this Earth to provide us with excess amounts of sugar and an overall abundance of calories. In our youth, we never could’ve guessed that as they filled our stomachs, they also filled our brains with ideas, values, morals, and memories. Hours upon hours spent sitting up at the kitchen counter with grandma or grandpa has likely contributed to the well-rounded adults you are today. 
As often as we claim to know everything in our youth and sometimes well into our adult years, we can only attribute our vast knowledge of life to the lessons and guidance that our grandparents offered to us based off of their own experiences. What a blessing it is to have someone older to offer advice based on experience and guidance rooted in their love for you. Grandparents offer so much to us that we sometimes take it for granted, so go ahead and let them know how cherished they are today and every day. 

High Five to Grandparents

Grandparents deserve recognition for their endless love and support that they selflessly give out over the years. They offer up little pieces of themselves that go unnoticed more often than not. Do not forget the times that they sat through your painfully-slow t-ball games, preschool graduation, loved you through your awkward middle school years, tolerated you and gave the occasional reality check during your teenage years, and finally, they helped you achieve your academic and career goals. For all of those years, you never had to face anything alone, wake up or go to sleep feeling unloved or face the next challenge without the support of a few old souls who love you unconditionally. How can we even begin to show our gratitude and appreciation for those years?

Keep Up the Communication

Sometimes life gets busy and hectic, but my advice is this, take the time to stay in touch with your grandparents because as our lives speed up and become more complicated, theirs are slowing down and unwinding. Aging brings challenges and adjustments just as any other stage of life does, so be there for your grandparents in these later years, just as they were there for you in your early ones. Take the time to wake up early and drink coffee with them, call them up on the phone, send them pictures of you living this beautiful life that they helped to create for you, and ultimately, give them the amount of attention and care that could rival that which they put into you. 

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