Welcome to Senior Living Link

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Welcome to Senior Living Link

We want to provide you service right away so let's create your profile asap.  Please complete this form and submit it at your earliest convenience.  We will have your profile live within 48 hours.

Contact Person Name *
Contact Person E-mail *
Contact Person Phone Number *
How did you hear about us? *
What is your primary source for your referrals? *
Display Name for Your Profile (Community Name) *
Community Physical Address *
Community Phone Number *
E-mail (Displayed for people to use) *
Community Webpage *
What are your License Types (check all that apply) *
Overview Section (What do you want to tell your clients? What is your mission, vision, unique attributes?) *
Do you want to share any testimonials? (Testimonial with name and title/relationship) *
Community Description (total # of units, how many units are one bedroom, studio, shared, 2 bedrooms, etc. total # of stories, if any views of ocean, garden, forest, street, city, mountain, lake, or territorial) *
Housing & Services (Please check all the services you provide) *
Other Services not listed above: *
Units have: (Check all that apply) *
Amenities Include: (Check all that apply) *
Other Amenities not listed above: *
Your Fee Range (lowest fee $ to highest fee $) *
Do You Accept Medicaid? Immediately or After how many years private pay? *
Do you require a pet deposit? If so, how much? *
Do you have any special promotions right now? *
Which social media platforms do you NOT give consent to post your campaigns? *
Please provide your social media addresses including Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, etc. *
Upload your logo here *
Must be in jpg., png., bmp format.
Upload your pictures *
Must be in jpg., png., bmp format.
Upload your pictures *
Upload your pictures *
Upload your pictures *
Upload your pictures *
Upload your pictures *
Upload your pictures *
Upload your pictures *
Upload your pictures *
Trouble uploading pictures?
If you are having trouble uploading your logo or pictures you are welcome to email them to info@seniorlivinglink.org.
Paste YouTube video link here: *
Do you have any videos to add to your profile? Add YouTube link here.
Paste YouTube video link here: *
Paste YouTube video link here: *
Do you have any news, announcements, or any upcoming events to share? *
Do you have any career opportunities to advertise? *
Consent and Submission
Congratulations, you finished! We will have your profile live and ready for you to review and edit within 48 hours. By submitting this application, you give consent for us to publish your content on our website as well as our social media platforms. You approve the content to be accurate and honest. You are indicating that you have read and agree to the Membership Agreement and Privacy Policy.